Each morning I greet the puppies with "Are you ready to go to school"? They wiggle and waggle and bounce around ready for the day to begin. I load them into the crates in the back of the car and they settle in for the short ride to "school".
Once we get to school the pups have a short time to play before training. Also included in the training sessions is grooming. The pups learn to get used to having their nails grinded and also their teeth brushed. We use the battery operated toothbrushes and yummy chicken flavored toothpaste.
After training I feed the pups breakfast. I use a feeding system called a "Weenafeeda". A very silly name but an amazing product. A durable plastic carrier has individual slots for six stainless steel bowls. Each bowl is surrounded by a partition so each pup has a designated area to eat from. I don't like to feed pups in the traditional saucer style bowls because I would always see the bigger puppies eating more than the smaller and I also felt that I was teaching them to gulp down their food. Since switching to this system I no longer have puppies eating super fast.
After breakfast the pups spend the day playing in their covered outdoor play area. They also have a small door leading into the puppy training room. They can hang out in there if they don't want to be outside. It seems they prefer to be outside because that is where they spend the most time. A very dedicated group of people called "puppy petters" come to socialize and play with the puppies. Staff also comes in from time to time for a puppy fix.
It has rained 95% of the time since Olive has joined my family. We have only gotten one day where it was sunny enough for a romp in the field. I brought Rain (mom to the Z litter) out with them for their first real run. She led them around and they ran their little legs off!
After such a busy day the pups settle into their crates and sleep soundly all night long. They are up and ready the next morning for it all to start again!