Saturday, February 6, 2010

Not too much to report this week. It still has been rainy or too wet to play outside much. Olive and the gang are moving along wonderfully in their training. This week we started with the leash. We use a harness when teaching the puppies to walk correctly on the leash. We don' t like them to have strain on their little necks while they learn that they have to stay close to the person on the other end of the leash!

The pups first get used to just training with the leash/harness combo and then move to actual walking with the leash. Olive is also learning to turn the light on! She is getting quite good at this!

I hope to take some pictures tomorrow if we don't have rain.

1 comment:

  1. So nice to see Molly growing just like her litter brother, Alex! She is getting a great education and will make a wonderful service dog. Alexander is learning some self control and walking in the mall as well and is growing so fast. This is a wonderful litter and I am so happy to be able to follow Molly's progress!
